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Kamis, 03 Januari 2019

Be Spirit and Don’t Ever Give up…!! (DEC Mading Demangan News Edisi 79)

First of all I would like to invite you to thank to Allah the Almighty, Who has given us Mercy and Blessing. And also I don't forget to deliver sholawat and salam to our best prophet Muhammad Shalallahu Alaihi Wasallam. Who has changed the negative culture, bad attitude, and impolite behavior of the mankind to be positive culture, good attitude and polite behavior 
Hello guys, how are you….I hope all af you are fine everyday
Last year, When I studied English at Islamic boarding school Syaihona Moh Cholil Bangkalan, I did not know at all. I was not active and I did not want to study about English. My teacher explaned English to me. I was not focus to study English. So that I did not get anything and I did not understand what my teacher said.’’I never thougt that english was not imfortant, when I finished studying at Islamic boarding school Syaihona Moh Cholil Bangkalan, I did not do anything, I anvied When I saw my friends could speak English well, and I though that I had to go to pare to study English, and then I came to pare and directly register at BEC (Basic English Course) ,Why do I chose BEC ? Because Basic English Course is the biggest and the best course in pare, Do you know guys……?? I was one of luckly persons Because Studying at BEC is not easy we have to spend our time for abaut six months, many people said that they were not comfortable to study in BEC and they resigned so that they did not think anymore that Basic English Course is wonderfull amazing beautiful and very comfortable  and also many people chose course at BEC because we can practice with our friends everytime everyday, In the fisrt studying English of course we are  shy, we are afraid, we feel so difficult, But don’t worry guys, We have to remember our future and our dream and we must believe to our God Allah subahanahu wata’ala and we must be confident to reach our ambition and also we must remember our parents or family Because our family always support and wait for us to be successful, I will never forget to invite all of you to study English in pare village kediri exactly BEC we are as the future generation for our country guys and we have  big responsibility, even we are from village we must form our country better than before , that’s all from me if you found many mistakes in my story please forgive me!
May my story be useful for us!
(I am Musa from madura village.)

Diposting Oleh:
Faisol Koroni
Pemred Aschal 2017-2018

Abdullah Faisol Koroni

About Abdullah Faisol Koroni

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